Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Knock, Knock....

Wow- my kid is such a free thinker.  It amazed me when he started being mobile and had free will (a strong one at that), but now he's making connections and thoughts that seriously make me laugh for days!! 

One thing he's always done, is if he hears a nonsense word, he'll repeat it sounding like a word he knows, or he'll make a combination of word parts.  Here are two instances from this past week:

One morning we were going out to the car and he loves to hear his echo, so I tried to teach him "Yodel-ay-hee-hoo" and he said he couldn't say that. Two minutes later, I'm buckling him in the car and he says "I can say it! Little Sheep hee-hoo!" He "little sheep hee-hoo'd" all the way to school and then all the way home. :)  All day that day, I'd get a free moment where I wasn't using my brain and all I could hear was that "little sheep hee-hoo"!!!  I giggled about it all day.

He has a doctor's kit that has one of those reflex hammers. He's always been a little confused because the doctor has never checked his reflexes, but she has checked his ears alot. The reflex hammer looks  little like the ear checker (exact term for that thing is not coming to me right now.....).  Now, I tried to teach him that it's not an ear checker, it's a reflex hammer.  So here's what he says to my mom when she came over the other day "Grandmommie, sit down. Sit still. I need to check your knees and elbows with this here earflex checker." BAHAHA! So close!

Today we were driving to the dr and he says "Want to hear a joke, Mama?"  I know this is bound tobe good because we don't tell jokes in our family. Most of the time we laugh plenty just by laughing at real life events. We don't need jokes. :)  But I say "Of course!"  He says "POOOOOEEEEYYYY!" and laughs his little head off. I feel it necessary that if he knows how to says "You want to hear a joke?" he should have something decent to back that up with. POOOOOEEEYYY won't cut it.  I try to teach him a knock knock joke. Why on earth I picked the most difficult style of joke to learn and teach to a 3 year old only speaks of the little sleep and minor illness I've been battling. Nonetheless, here's the Knock Knock lesson in a format that's a little easier to understand. (M is me, G is, yeah, Gage- maybe i didn't need to explain that....oh well.)

M: Knock knock- Now, Gage you say 'Who's there?"
G: Its me, Gage. Come on in!!
M: *laughs hysterically* No, Honey, when I say knock knock, you say 'who's there?" Knock knock.
G: Oh- Who's there?
M: Dwayne. Now you say 'Dwayne who?'
G: ok. Dwayne who?
M: Dwayne the tub, I'm dwowning!
G: Ok. Come on in!!!
M: *sigh*
G: POOOOEY *laughs hysterically*

Seriously, my kid is hilarious. :)

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