Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Good Thing....

Ok, I just have to start this off by saying it's a good thing I don't stay home with this kid all the time or I'd have to start a novel for all the hilarity that spills from his being. :) 

That being said, here are a few shorties from my shorty. (Please don't read that in the gansta way.... ew).

First of all, he thinks Daddy wants a Barbie for Christmas. Yup, I'm sure that's exactly what Daddy wants is a barbie.  Today I asked him again and now he thinks that Daddy would like a submarine. I checked with Daddy, and he said as long as it has internet access, a submarine is just fine! :)

Second- I've been teaching him the REAL meaning of Christmas and I think it might be backfiring.  I've explained to him that it's the day Jesus was born and the whole world throws a giant birthday party for Jesus, but we get the gifts just like we get Jesus' love.  Ok- I'm afraid that he is now under the impression that at all birthday parties, the gifts will be for him.... dun dun dun. We'll see.

We were at my brother's house for my mom's birthday Saturday and my gigantor cousin that Gage has never seen before comes in.  After playing a little bit, he does the "Give me five, OH you're too slow..." gimmick and taps Gage on the cheek.  Gage says, with hands on hips, "We don't hit." with his calmest, sternest voice.  Funny to see a 6'4, 280 lb man put in his place by a 3 year old. There were no words.... just laughter. :)

He got to play rough with Uncle Jacob and was just in heaven. That night when I put him down he said "Mama, I like playing with Uncle Jacob. He doesn't get hurt like you do." Touche kid, touche.

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