Monday, November 30, 2009

Really?? Seriously??? Worst. Day. Ever.

Ok- so what you are about to read is somewhat unbelievable. But the facts are the facts, and I haven't even changed the names to protect the innocent (or!)

We go to take Gage to the doctor this morning and I realize that my darling husband still has the carseat from the trip to ICE last night. Doh! So I bring out the old one that is too tight and cram Gage into to ride around the corner and get the good one from William at work. We get there, and he doesn't want to get out of the old one. Afterall, it's the "bestest one!"  Thank goodness Dad convinced him to move.

We get to McDonald's to get breakfast (I'm STARVED!) and I am about to order when I go to grab my wallet- it's at home. In the bag we took to ICE last night. UGH! No cash, no debit card, nothing.  Luckily, I scrounge up $2 in dimes from the bottom of my purse (good thing I never clean that thing out!) and we got 2 plain biscuts and 2 small waters.  Breakfast of prisoners, bread and water. Perfect.

Get to the doctor- still no card. Can't pay for the visit. Ugh,

Take Gage to school. I'm dropping him off when the teacher asks if I washed his pillow and blanket for nap over the break. I did. And it's still at home. *sigh* It's ok, they have extras he can borrow one for today.  Out the door and on to work.

Get to work. I go to throw my make-up on in the parking lot (yup- everyone I encountered before 10:30 am, saw a scary scary sight!).  My make-up is in Gage's backpack. With Gage. At school.  Oh well- I resolve myself to just not have make-up today. I go to grab my work laptop bag and it's not there. It's in the floor in my bedroom. Of course.

Back home to get the computer. I can't do ANYTHING without my laptop. Grab Gage's pillow and blanket while I'm there and take it to him (and get my make-up while I'm there).  Throw make-up on and I'm FINALLY ready for work. *Phew* Talk about a crazy morning!!!!

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